As you will know XrG are a big gaming clan although we don't have many members as yet. We have recently formed in November 2010 ready for Black Ops and hope to be the biggest, baddest HQ Clan on the Xbox 360. At first myself XrG x EpiiCzZ wanted to keep the clan members to a low with only 12 members but I have new plans. I want to gather the best players on HQ on Black Ops and become the best clan on the 360, this means member numbers don't matter as long as they are good and can win games and clan matches like we already are.

We are currently looking for sponsors although it is proving difficult to find one at the moment as we have only started out recently. So if you think you have what it takes and play HQ then why not fill out an application form which can be found on the Recruitment page of our website.

Good Luck

XrG x EpiiCzZ